Flip in scarlet kimono. Eventually.
I'm very fortunate to be a member of a 'Friday painters group' – we get together on Friday afternoons to paint – and sometimes join a Saturday morning life drawing group. All the figurative work posted so far is the result of one session painting the model, about 2 1/2 hours.
Your figures and landscapes are exquisite. I like the delicate and subtle use of complimentary colors and the loose, vivacious brush strokes.
I'll definitely be back!
Johnnie, These figure paintings are stunning! And of course I always love your landscapes! Congratulations on a great blog... and thanks for linking to me!! :)
Great style and figure studies, please keep posting.
Thank you Jennifer, Laurel and Nick!! And yes, I'll keep posting.
Johnnie, I echo what these other people have said, you are extremely talented. I especially like the gestural grace and subtlety of paint handling in your figures. I really look forward to seeing your work here, wow! Also, happy to see a fellow Austinite doing so well :)
Nice brush work. Each stroke is
visible but they blend together beautifully.
They also appear very confident.
Nice work, I'll be back.
Johnnie, I just came across your blog today. Really great work. I love your style. Bravo!
Your figurative work is beautiful. I like your strong compositions and "WOW" your landscapes.
great blog.
Johnnie- now you've got us all hanging around for the next post! Have mercy!
Beautiful figures, you are obviously an accomplished artist. Cannot wait to see more.
Awesome work. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you all so much!! I really appreciate your interest and comments. Just got through posting final grades - I teach at the community college - so now I can get back to decorating for the holidays and painting (and posting) again. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!
Beautiful work.
Gift card printing
Johnnie, your work is wonderful! Great brushwork and fantastic color. I will be watching! How fortunate to have a group to paint with close by...I wish I had one of the level of your work as close to me.
I dropped in on your blog and your paintings are beautiful. I hope I can paint like that one day! I'll bookmark this. Kevin
I just stumbled upon your blog and was blown away. Your work is amazing!
Does your group meet at an art center or do you just hire a model and meet at someone's home?
I'll be back!
Thanks, Theresa, Kevin and Marian. Our group hires a model and meets at a small co-op space in Austin. Rent is cheap and the models are great!
Great figure painting. Love your pose on the girl and loose, lively brushwork.
Absolutely stunning work! Love your blog.
I am glad I found your blog. I wouldn't change a thing on your first painting (of the woman). I like it just the way it is. Absolutely fantastic!
lovely, very fresh
The woman could easily be done. She's gorgeous just the way she is. Nice job.
very expressive brushwork and love the feeling you put in your work. I like it.
Johnnie, your figures are just stunning and it's so easy to recognize the models. You capture their personalities. It's a pleasure watching you paint on Fridays!
Very good blog. I like your figure painting.
I just found your blog. Beautiful work, Johnnie!
I like the vignette style you use a la Richard Schmidt. Very nice paintings.
Withoput knowing the models I feel like you have cought someting about them. Even if they were just sleepy. ;-) Well done.
Thanks! and you're right, they were trying hard to keep their eyes open.
Powerful work! Your style and choices as you paint create a work of art that draws in the viewer.
wow Johnnie - your work is really inspiring really beautiful - both figures and landscapes - really nice
Hi Johnnie, great style in your figures
Beautiful, Johnnie. Looking for more!!! I think your figurative work is stunning!
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